The cold winter months can mean finding additional heating for in the home. With so much choice – in terms of types of heater and their effectiveness – where do you start looking? You want to a heater that not only provides you with enough heat for the chosen room, but one that is energy-efficient and affordable to buy and run. You might also want one that looks stylish too, if it’s going to be on show. Where does this lead us? There are many options, but let’s talk about space heaters – an excellent choice that you might not have considered.
Why Choose Space Heaters?
As we mentioned above, space heaters are a good choice for the home, and are surprisingly affordable. How do they work? As with all types of heater they generate heat thanks to a power source – in this case electricity – and you can read this review of the best space heaters for more information. Those mentioned in that review are ceramic space heaters, which are recommended for a number of reasons. Ceramic elements are eco-friendly and also energy-efficient, so you will use less power to generate the same heat compared to some other types of heater, and they are also among the safest type of portable heater.
If it’s a compact heater you’re after, one that you can use when you need it but put it away when the warmer weather arrives, then the ceramic space heater is certainly one that you should be considering. There are even some models that are designed to look like items of furniture, so you can have style as well as heat in any room you wish.
Are There Any Problems with Space Heaters?
Space heaters – like a number of other portable heating units – will have an effect on the humidity of a room, in that their use will effectively result in dry air. This can be a problem for people with certain health problems, and needs to be considered. There is an answer to the space heaters dry air problem: install a humidifier.
In fact, humidifier can be a sensible option in a home without a space heater, as if you do live in a house that has dry air you will find you have itchy eyes, perhaps a sore throat, and a number of other symptoms that you probably put down to having a cold! You may be surprised to find that a humidifier rectifies the problem, and when used with a space heater provides much more comfortable surroundings at all times.
Space heaters come in a wide variety of sizes and types, and from many different brands. This also means they come in a range of different prices too! If you use the information available you should be able to determine which heater is suitable for the size of room that you need to heat, and find one within your budget with the right amount of power, so start looking now and enjoy a warmer winter next time!