All new mums seem to have issues with losing weight after giving birth to their little baby. Those who don’t could be considered not human! Muscles and skin are stretched during pregnancy, and that’s why it can be so hard to snap back into shape after giving birth. But don’t worry – all hope is not lost! There are plenty of ways you can lose your baby weight, the healthy way:
It’s so important that you try to lose your baby weight the healthy way. You should never deprive yourself, and make sure that you’re giving your body everything it needs to function – especially if you’re breastfeeding your baby. Obviously being a mum will be your top priority right now, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to get back to your healthy self. You’ll feel much more confident, have more energy for your baby, reduce the risk of anxiety and depression, and feel much better in general.
Obviously, exercise is one big way to lose weight after having your baby. Where you start totally depends on how fit you were before the pregnancy, but you’ll need to be careful and get the go ahead from your doctor before doing so. You’ll then want to build up your exercise program slowly until you’ve improved your endurance and stamina. You could try yoga for exercise that will strengthen your core, and walking is great too.
Stay Hydrated
It’s very important to stay hydrated, especially if you’re breastfeeding. You should be drinking around 2 litres of fluid per day, and this could include tea, coffee, fruit juice, milk, and water. Water is probably the best option however, as it doesn’t have any calories or added ingredients!
Eat a Healthy, Balanced Diet
It’s important you eat a healthy, balanced diet. Starving yourself will do your body no good – your metabolism will slow down as your body goes into starvation mode, you’ll be more likely to binge later on, and you won’t have the energy to properly care for your baby. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, lean meat like chicken and turkey, fish, nuts, eggs, sweet potatoes, Greek yogurt, and whole grain bread to watch the baby weight drop off. There are some diet shakes out there that could assist you to burn fat, but stay away from the likes of Slim Fast and Weight watchers as they have rubbish ingredients. Eat healthy, whole, natural food!
Get as Much Sleep As You Can
Sleep plays a big factor in weight loss and how our bodies work, although it’s not always easy to get a quality sleep when you have a new baby. Sleep deprivation has been linked to eating more calories, so try to get 8 hours of sleep per night. Sleep when your baby is sleeping for the best results!
To lose your baby weight the healthy way, it should help you to remember that this isn’t a short term plan. You should be looking at this as a change of lifestyle in order to see great results. Consistency will help you spring back into shape!