You’ve probably been spending a lot of time in your home lately – more than you usually would – and in addition to those tired and tatty areas of paintwork you’ve been meaning to get around to tackling you’ll have noticed many more! Or you may just have become tired of your current décor and want a change? Either way now is the time to get out your brushes and rollers and start giving your home that freshen up it needs.
Whether you want to paint walls or woodwork or perhaps put up wallpaper the choice is yours, so let’s talk about where to start and consider the benefits of perhaps getting the professionals in to do the job.
Where to Start
So, where do you want to start? Is there a particular room that is looking shabby, or are you thinking of changing colours in the living room, for example? There are many things you can do to spruce up a room. You could start by simply painting one wall a different colour to the rest of the room. This gives you a focal point to then add pictures and other details, which bring a room to life.
Or you may want to start by giving your woodwork a new coat of paint. You will be surprised to see how dirty white paintwork can get without even realising it has become discoloured. Remember to sand down the old paint where possible and ensure a surface that is prepared for painting, and always apply an undercoat for the best results.
If you are hanging wallpaper then it’s helpful if there are two people involved. This allows you to achieve a much better finish than you might if you persevere alone, and you’ll save a lot of time also. Once you get started on your decorating you may come to realise that you are not getting the finish that you want. You’re not alone, as you’ll certainly find that a professional painter and decorator makes a much better job of things. Let’s look at why you may need to engage a professional to do your decorating.
DIY or Pro?
If you are a perfectionist and want the very best finish to a paint or decorating job, we strongly recommend you consider your local professional painters and decorators for the job. They will be experienced in the work you need carried out and will be expert at hanging wallpaper, painting all surfaces and any other decorating you need undertaken. They will also use the best materials and the right approach for each job, and ensure that all surfaces are properly prepared.
If you’re concerned about your budget, then have a chat with a local firm of decorators. You may be surprised how affordable it can be and you’ll certainly be impressed with the final outcome. There’s a lot to be said for getting a professional in when you want a good job done, so find the right painter and decorator and get a quote.